Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Quintessential Backpeddler - Part 2

Ray jerked awake to the sound of the ocean and spray of water. It was already dark and the harbor lights were reflecting on the ocean surface.

He recognized the harbor from years before, a place he always wanted to be in but for one reason or another….. Slowly turning to the left his eyes followed the sea wall around the edge of the water. The dark line of the Lions Gate bridge arched across the skyline in the din.
“What the hell?” He could hear his voice but spoke to no one inparticular. “This is impossible”. But before he was able to finish his thought another person spoke from behind him.

“’Bout time you woke up.”

Ray tried to whirl around but his legs gave out from under him and he tumbled to the grass and had to grit his teeth to fight off the pain now engulfing his body.

“Youv’e been standing there for about 6 hours now said the boy. I thought you might be dead or something but I could hear you muttering something.

Ray was trying to listen, trying to regain his strength… “What?,, whadda mean muttering. Muttering what?”

“No idea,  it was too low and I didn’t want to get too close.” Said the boy.

I had to go home for supper, and so my Mom wouldn’t worry but got back here as fast as I could. Here I brought you something to eat.

“Thanks kid, let me just get into a comfortable position.” Is this Stanley Park?

Of course, where else would it be.

… “Rock, black rock, did you see it?

Yeah, right there by your feet. It was glowing all afternoon, then slowly faded to a solid colour.

Ray’s mind was racing, trying to piece together everything. “What day is it? He asked the boy trying to sound calm.

June 16, why?

Oh, just foggy that’s all shrugging his shoulders, but inside he was screaming. He was on his way to Turkestan on the 17th.

What the F^*%.  Sorry kid, that’s the first time I’ve cursed since I… but he trailed off. The image of her face and soft red hair as she slept rushed up to him. For the first time he was more worried about her that how he was able to travel 10,000 kms, a day before.

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