Friday, 25 May 2012

On Being Me.

On being me.

Have you ever wondered how you got to the place you are? Pretty soon you’re retracing the steps of your life, back through memories like pages in a book, or a film I guess.
It could be as simple as being introduced to a new person that eventually becomes a lifelong friend or mate (or both). It could be more intricate, events that are woven deep into the fabric of life like exposing your kids to art, music and stories. It is only through the passing of all the everyday’s when suddenly you realize that they are now exposing music and art and their own stories to you.
I have friends that can do things I can never do but their passion only inspires me to be better. Friends that have come and gone, friends that I can only see on vacations, friends that are friends no matter how much time passes without anything and friendships that destructed from saying the wrong things. I would like to say sorry for my part in those, I’m not always gentle and occasionally have a hot tongue.
How did I get here, to the place or rather the person I am now? Seems like a simple question compared with asking why am I here and yet the answer is as elusive. I guess I’ll just keep doing what I do and see how the story ends.